Membership details
The Company of HR Professionals is open for membership and welcomes applications to join.
The Company serves two purposes.
- The first is to develop, foster and promote the profession of HR through knowledge-sharing, specialist committees, the recognition of standards and education.
- The second is to serve the community through civic duties and charitable activities. Charitable activities consist of charitable fundraising and pro-bono services.
The Company also operates as a forum to meet and socialise with colleagues within the Human Resources Profession and to collaborate with the other Livery Companies. Members are free simply to join to enjoy a range of social occasions or to formally participate in Company Committees or other services and duties that achieve the objectives of the Company.
The Company intends to have at least four larger social gatherings each year. As the Company continues to develop it will offer an exciting range of other social events on monthly and seasonal basis.
How to get involved
Irrespective of whether individuals are looking to enjoy the social and fellowship aspects or to become formally involved, membership is the first entry point.
The Company will achieve its main aims through the Committees that will operate under the oversight of the Court of the Company.
Committees that have been adopted in principle currently include the following:
- Charity Pro-bono Committee and Charitable Trust
- Finance and General Purpose Committee
- Membership and Nominations Committee
- Social Events and Communications Committee
- Committee Work
Any member may apply to join a Committee. Where a member has a specific interest, subject to the approval of the Court of the Company, they may form a Committee, which will be established to achieve a set term of reference agreed with the Court.
Other ways of contributing include the provision of pro bono services to charities via the Company, the mentoring of new entrants to the profession and attending events to raise funds for our General Purposes and Charitable Funds.
Who can join?
The HR Company aspires to be a Modern Company that operates high standards in terms of diversity and inclusion.
Applications for membership would be welcomed from those who:
- Are undertaking an HR role or a functional aspect of HR such reward, development, resourcing or diversity
- Provide specialist HR services to the community
- By special invitation, due to the unique contribution that an individual can make to the shaping or promotion of the HR profession.
How to apply to join
Prospective members will be invited to complete an online application form, or alternatively you can contact the Clerk via email on
Applicants will normally meet or speak to members of the Membership Committee to find out more about the aims, objectives and work of the Company.
Financial contributions
There are two levels of Membership:
More experienced HR Professionals will normally join as a 'Freeman' with an annual membership fee of £385 (inc VAT) per annum. Those potential Freemen members that live outside the Home Counties or are retired can join for a slightly reduced rate of £220 (inc VAT) per annum.
The second level of membership is as a 'Member'. This is aimed at those working in or around the HR Profession but perhaps with less experience in the industry. The Membership Committee will be able to provide advice on the recommended membership level when informally chatting with prospective members.
A final note
Above all, the Company sets out to fulfil the high standards of a modern Livery Company in a relaxed and pleasant social environment that is not old fashioned, influenced by any one group and brings fun, enlightenment and enjoyment to everyone concerned in the human resources profession.
Membership of the Company of Human Resources offers a unique opportunity to be involved in a major historic development for the profession and to work together to make the trade’s past activities live long into the future.
To find out more about the Company of Human Resource Professionals and the history of livery companies, please explore our website where all this information is contained or alternatively call the office on 01353 363863.
Company HR Professionals
PO Box 2647