The Court of Assistants

The Company is run by a 'Court of Assistants' (effectively the Company's Management Board), chaired by the Master and supported by three Wardens (Senior Warden, Middle Warden and Junior Warden). The Wardens are elected annually from within the Court and serve for a period of one year, succeeding each other. When a Senior Warden complete their term, they succeed the Master for the next year.  

The Court consists of The Master and Wardens, key officers such as the Honorary Treasurer, Sponsoring Alderman and Chair of the Charitable Trust, the five Immediate Past Masters and up to a maximum of 20 Court Assistants, who are elected annually from the Freemen of the Company.  

The Court meets at least five times a year to discuss Company matters which include fundraising activities, membership applications, events and other matters of the day.

The Company employs a Clerk, appointed by the Court, who is the Company's Chief Executive Officer.


Karen Fulton


Nicola Auret

Senior Warden

Peter Cheese

Middle Warden

Richard Higginson

Junior Warden

Heather Greatrex

Court Assistants

Uday Shah - Honorary Treasurer
Sir Peter Estlin - Sponsoring Alderman
Nikki Squelch - Chair of Charitable Trustees
Elizabeth Newton - Chair of Pro Bono Committee
Peter Cheese
Aaron Alburey
Caroline Sheridan
Lex Verweij
Vitaly Zybin
Julie Harrison
Steve Shaw
Andrew Wilkinson

Jane Mann
Andrew Pullman
Sean Smythe
Helen Armstrong
Louise Hunter
Steve Cave
Joseph Selimoglu
Louise Brown
Daniel Denningburg
Milena Ivanova
Tomasz Lawin

Court Committees

1Finance and General Purpose Committee
Responsible for all financial and administrative affairs of the Company.
2Membership Committee
Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Company membership.
3Pro-bono Committee
Responsible for all aspects of the Company's pro bono work.
4Charitable Trust Board of Trustees
Responsible for directing the Company's grants and allocating its Charitable Trust funds.
5Events and Communications Committee
Responsible for promoting the Company and its activities, for maintaining the website and social media, and for planning and organising Company's events.
6Nominations Committee
Responsible for nominating candidates to serve as Warden and Master, Treasurer and Trustees of the Charitable Trust.